Learning The Gardening Basics

Learning The Gardening Basics

How To Create A Stunning Garden With Limited Yard Space

by Angel Kennedy

Do you dream of a beautiful quiet retreat in your backyard? Do you feel limited by the size of your backyard? Good news: You don't need a large yard to have that dream garden. Here are a few tips to help you turn your small backyard into a stunning garden.

Garden Bed Kits

Garden bed kits, such as from Durable Green Bed , give you everything you need to create a compact garden that's safe from erosion. They are perfect starters for beginning gardeners. .


If you don't have space for a lawn, gravel is a good option. For greenery, grow your plants in pots. Throw in a few seats and you have a nice cozy garden. You can also place some pots with edible herbs on a table.

Vertical gardens

You may not have much horizontal space but you have unlimited vertical space: Use it. Grow your plants on raised beds. You can also add a portable staircase and place several pots on it.

Hang canvas pockets on the fence and fill with dirt and plants. You may also place louvers against the wall and fill the shelves with plants. Lean palettes against a wall or fence and fasten pots on them using nails and stainless steel cords.

Climbers such as bougainvillea can make a bold statement against stark white walls.


Create a pathway and place an object of interest such as a chair at the end of the pathway. This will make the space look larger.

White Walls

Painting your walls white will make your garden look larger and brighter. Adding a few white pieces such as benches to your garden will have the same effect.


Contrary to what you may imagine, creating sections in your small garden actually makes your garden look and feel larger. Create a zone for entertaining, another for reading etc. You can separate these spaces using short hedges such as curved ivy.

Create a focal point such as a fire pit with comfortable chairs around it. It should not be the only focal point though. Two or three would be better

Vertical Plants

Choose plants that grow upwards rather than outwards. Consult your local landscaping services for advice on such plants.

Remove Clutter

Clutter will make your space look even smaller. To reduce clutter, choose one color of plants and stick to just a few plants.

Garden chairs

Choose foldable garden chairs. These can be folded away when not in use to create more space, if need be. Use brightly colored chairs for a more interesting look.

You don't have to forgo the luxury of enjoying beautiful outdoor space, just because you have a small backyard. It's all a matter of using your vertical space creatively and being flexible in your choices.


About Me

Learning The Gardening Basics

Once I bought my first home, I realized I wanted to dedicate a portion of the yard for a garden. I wanted to grow some fruits and veggies that I could use inside for cooking, but I wasn't sure how to get started. Fortunately, a neighbor of mine heard about my project and suggested a great continuing education class about beginning gardening. When I started going, I was overwhelmed, but I quickly realized that the information was valuable and interesting. Check out this website for details about the garden equipment and supplies you need to ensure a beautiful, bountiful garden.